Coming from two generations of journalists, writing was in Fiona’s genes, she just didn’t unscramble the code in her DNA until after she’d tried out a few other creative professions first. Little did she know that all she needed to do was combine her lifelong love of words and reading with her runaway imagination, and she would have a new career. Instead of reporting stories, as her father and grandfather had done, she decided to make them up!
Fiona lives in London with her husband and two young daughters, who have inherited her habit of staring off into space, lost in thought. She loves good books, good films and good food, and can always find some room in her diet for chocolate.
Fiona lives in London with her husband and two young daughters, who have inherited her habit of staring off into space, lost in thought. She loves good books, good films and good food, and can always find some room in her diet for chocolate.
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